The last I/ITSEC show was a resounding success on many fronts and the atmosphere was certainly upbeat concerning the prospects of the MS&T industry. Now that the show is behind us, let’s highlight some of the trends and hot topics that were discussed at Simthetiq’s booth.
The trend toward multi-use and adaptable terrain databases was highlighted by growing interest in the US Army’s Synthetic Terrain Environment (STE) concept. Many attendees were talking about how a shared and collaborative platform such as the One World Terrain (OWT) project would benefit joint operations and improve simulation & training. Several discussions underscored the application of Simthetiq’s cross-platform 3D content library to this major initiative. As a capability demonstration, Simthetiq’s library content was used by various companies throughout the show on LVC-focussed demonstrations, including Operation Blended Warrior (OBW).
The conference title: “Harnessing technologies to win in a complex world” aligns with Simthetiq’s objectives. As the keynote speaker pointed out, industry needs to shift to a collaborative mindset where the focus is on readiness of soldiers, efficiency of training and ultimately keeping our world free and safe. Simthetiq is platform agnostic and over the last decade we have built an independent source of 3D content for NATO allies’, across all platforms and simulators.
Looking at the year ahead and how the ideas shared at the show will influence the development and innovation in the industry, we aim to keep pushing ever closer to reality and invite you to follow us on social media or sign up to Simthetiq’s newsletter to keep up to date on the latest developments.
Photo Credit : NTSA Today